Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year and our Fourth Anniversary!

Today Stan and I celebrate four years of marriage.  We feel really lucky to have found each other at this stage of our lives (thanks eHarmony!), and look forward to many more years of fun and love.

Here we are on our wedding day.  (That cute brown hairdo was a wig, as I had just finished chemo.  When I was coloring my hair I often worried how I would someday gracefully revert to leaving it gray…  turned out to be easy – it just fell out and grew in gray.)

 We celebrated today by taking our favorite walk, followed by some lovely treats and a delicious dinner cooked by Stan.

Every year on our anniversary we have ordered a cake from the same folks who made our wedding cake (Crème de la Crème, in Renton, WA – fabulous!).  I wasn’t sure I wanted to do it this year, as I know I’ll eat it, but it has been a nice tradition and I didn’t want to disappoint Stan.  I think when you have a family or roommate, there is a delicate balance between eating what you know is right for you and being a loving, joyful member of the household.  As I progress through this year, I hope to eat well and be healthy without lessening the pleasure we take in our food.  Perhaps by next year I’ll know how to make a delicious cake with healthy ingredients.  As for the wine, I’ll write a post about alcohol soon, but you won’t see it featured in my meals this year.


Stan is the chef in our house and on special occasions he cooks me delicious dinners.  Tonight he made rack of lamb with mashed potatoes and asparagus.  Yum!

It was a great day.  Happy New Year!  Best wishes, and much admiration for those of you who got it right sooner and are celebrating decades together!


  1. Balance requires strong will power. Happy Anniversary!

    1. I think having an audience is going to help with the will power. I know you and Alethea have successfully balanced your different eating styles for a long time. Thanks for reading my blog!
