Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Time Out for Quilting

As you probably know by now, I've been learning to make quilts since I retired.  Writing this blog has caused a definite slow-down in the quilting, but I finally finished this quilt that I'm going to send to my cousin Sandra in Connecticut.  As soon as I saw these sawtooth cats, I thought of Sandra right away and decided it would be for her.

I had two goals for this quilt:  (1) to learn to do the sawtooth triangles, and (2) to make the quilt using only my scrap pile, without purchasing any fabric.  The triangles turned out to be easier than I expected, although quite time-consuming.  I nearly made it without any purchases, but I wanted the border of white to match the off-white patterned fabric behind the kitties and I didn't quite have enough, so I did buy some of that.

For the backs of my quilts I usually buy fabric with a pattern that I think the recipient will like, or that goes with the theme of the front, but for this quilt I had just what I needed in my sewing room closet.  When my mother was alive, she and I had made a bedspread and wall hanging for her bedroom in her retirement apartment and they were lined with this blue and white flowered cotton.  I had no use for the bedspread, so I reused the lining.  Sandra loved my mom, so I knew she'd love having something Mom had used.

The hardest part was making the cat faces.  I considered leaving them without faces, but I thought if they turned out cute, it would make the quilt even better.  Of course, facial expressions can be tricky, and if they didn't look cute or friendly, it would spoil it.  They're not perfect, but I'm pretty happy with the result.

So, I'm ready to wrap it up and get it in the mail.  I already have an idea for what I want to make next!  If you'd like to see some of my other quilting projects, they're on a separate page of this blog.

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