Thursday, January 29, 2015

Bone Broth Again – Chicken This Time

Well, I went ahead and got the chicken feet this time.  I have read in The Wahls Protocol and elsewhere that chicken feet have a lot of gelatin and collagen.  I also used two carcasses from whole chickens - one I had roasted whole and one I had cut up to use the breasts, legs and thighs for something else.  This made my chicken broth a lot more economical than my beef broth.

Those feet look gross, but you can see she had lovely long fingernails.  Eeeeww!

Here, from the PCC Newsletter, are the benefits of bone broth:

Boosts immunity – The high essential mineral and amino acid content has been proven to speed recovery from colds and flus.

Phlegm fighter – Cysteine, an amino acid found in chicken bones, actually thins mucus, making it easier to clear.

Anti-inflammatory – Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates stimulate collagen growth, repair joint damage, and reduce pain and inflammation.

Improves digestion – Gelatin restores digestive health and combats leaky gut.  It also makes for shiny hair and strong nails!

Promotes relaxation – Glycine, an amino acid, is calming and helps promote restful sleep.  Calcium and magnesium work as muscle relaxants and promote bone health.
I have been drinking my beef bone broth midday, as a tea, and I see it would be a good idea to sip some before bed, as well.

A few notes on the cooking and packaging:

I only cooked the chicken broth for about 8 hours, instead of overnight as I did the beef, according to the instructions from PCC Coop.  And, oops! I missed where it said for chicken or turkey to reduce the apple cider vinegar from ½ cup to 2 to 3 tablespoons.  I thought it smelled a bit vinegary while it was cooking.  It tastes fine, thank goodness, as I have quite a bit of it.

I didn’t roast the bones first this time, hence the pale color.  Although roasting the bones, and even the veggies, adds a delicious flavor, I saw a comment in the Wellness Mama’s blog about AGEs -advanced glycolsylated end products.  I have read elsewhere that the brown bits of caramelization that taste so good are not good for us.  With everything else we cook and eat, I don’t know whether it is significant to avoid them in the broth, but I do plan on drinking some pretty much every day, so I skipped that step.

I had learned with the beef broth that it’s easiest to strain the bones through a large strainer, and then strain individual portions later through a smaller one.  With the chicken broth there wasn’t much that got through the large one, but I did use both.

I am experimenting with packaging, using glass jars and quart-size freezer bags.  In our disorganized freezer, items tend to drop out on the floor while I’m rummaging around, and I know from experience that glass and plastic shatter when cold.  If the freezer bags work well, it will save room and a potential mess.  (Yes, I notice they're not labeled.  When putting stuff in, it always looks so obvious what is in the package...)

I'm sipping my first cup as I type, and it is very nice  : )

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